General Information

    The Purpose of Camp Concern
  • Camp Concern, Inc., is directed and sponsored by members of the churches of Christ in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio.  This non-profit organization is dedicated to providing wholesome programs of physical, mental, and spiritual exercise for young people.  Camp Concern is open to boys and girls of good health.  Campers are accepted without regard to their race, color, religion, gender, or national origin.
    Why Attend Camp Concern
  • Camp Concern offers a safe, away-from-the-world environment where each day campers are provided with three square meals, classes to study God’s word, opportunities to praise and worship God, time for recreation, and so much more.  Camp Concern also provides a great staff of Christian people who volunteer their time because they truly love to teach and serve God’s precious young people.  Camp Concern is a great place to make lifelong friends and to create memories that will last a lifetime.  

    Perhaps nothing speaks to the value of Camp Concern more than the countless lives that have been changed in so many ways at Camp Concern.  The most significant change of all is witnessed by the many who have committed their lives to Christ at camp, and by many more who have grown in their relationship with the Lord because of camp.  What can be more valuable than that?

    How Do I Register?
  • Registration is required for campers.  A Registration Brochure can be requested at . It can also be downloaded HERE. A Final Bulletin and the required Medical Form will be mailed to all who register.  The bulletin will provide directions to the campsite, a list of necessary clothing and equipment, the camp’s rules, and other important information.
    How Do I Determine Which Week a Camper Should Attend?
  • To be eligible to attend a particular week of camp, a camper must be the appropriate age by the final day of the week that he/she plans to attend.  A camper who is enrolled in a week in which he/she is not the appropriate age shall participate in activities; however, he/she will not be eligible to receive awards. Please note that, in compliance with our Child Protection Plan, 18 year olds who have already completed a year of college may not attend Senior Week as campers, but are encouraged to attend College Weekend.

    Here are the ages by session:

    College Age Retreat Weekend: ages 19-22
    Senior Week: ages 14-18
    Secondary Week: ages 11-13
    Junior Week: ages 8-10

  • The total cost, including insurance, is $60.00.  The registration fee is $10.00 (this will be applied toward the total cost), and this fee will only be returned if the prospective camper is unable to attend due to illness.  An early registration discount of $10.00 will be assessed if the registration is postmarked before the designated date.

    Campers will also need money for the canteen (snacks/drinks/Camp Concern apparel) and craft hall (younger sessions). Generally, $10-$20 is sufficient.
    Financial Scholarships
  • We never want cost to be the reason a student is unable to attend camp. If the family budget makes attending camp impossible, please contact the appropriate Camp Director.  It is possible that partial or full scholarships can be made available.

    College Age Retreat: Richard Walton
    Senior Week: Keith Wolfgong
    Secondary Week: Mickey Casey
    Junior Week: Mark Hatfield
    Health and Safety
  • Every precaution will be taken to ensure the health and safety of each camper.  A qualified health director will be on the campsite, and there is a hospital 20 minutes from the campsite.  Every camper must present the required Medical Form, which is included in the Final Registration mailing.  This form must be presented and SIGNED BY HIS/HER PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN, before a camper can enroll in Camp Concern.  The only exception to this rule is applied to College Age Weekend campers who are not covered by their parents' insurance.  In such a case, the camper must still complete a medical form, but may sign the form himself.
  • It is our goal to create and maintain a safe and nurturing environment for all campers. As such, there are camp rules that each camper must follow. A camper who disobeys the camp rules will be subject to dismissal from camp.  A camper who is dismissed will not be permitted to return to camp the following year without the written consent of the Board of Directors.  Additionally, a refund will not be given to campers who are dismissed. A copy of the camp rules can be found as part of the Final Bulletin.
    Dress Code Policy
  • The following is the Camp Concern Dress Code Policy. Please use common sense in applying this policy, and please pack accordingly. 
    Dress must be modest at all times, and the following guidelines must be obeyed by boys and girls alike:
    ·    Shorts must be at least half the length of the wearer’s thigh
    . No Soffe, cheer, volleyball, or other short shorts.
    ·    Campers must be fully dressed in all common areas (i.e. shirts must stay on while playing sports, etc.).
    ·    No leggings or tight-fitting yoga pants.
    ·    No extremely tight clothing.
    ·    No cleavage-baring and/or midriff-baring (crop tops) shirts.
    ·    No camisoles or tank tops with thin or spaghetti straps.
    ·    All underwear must be covered by clothing at all times.
    Campers not abiding by these dress code guidelines will be asked to change clothes. 
    PARENTS: Please do not allow your children to pack clothing for Camp that will not be permitted. Thank you for your cooperation.

    A complete copy of the Dress Code Policy can be found in the Final Bulletin.

    Items Not Permitted
  • The possession and/or use of certain items will not be permitted.  This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following:
    • Tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs.
    • Weapons.
    • Cell phones/smart phones, tablets, smartwatches. No Internet-enabled devices.
    • Electrical items such as: air-conditioning units, refrigerators, televisions, DVD players, large stereos, computers, tablets, and video games (consoles or hand-held).


    Wait, No Cell Phones??
  • That's correct. Camp Concern campers are NOT ALLOWED to bring a cell phone/smart phone/wi-fi enabled device.

    The Board of Directors of Camp Concern would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the camp policy regarding cell phones   It is our policy that cell phones and Wi-Fi enabled devices not be used by campers during camp session.  We have spent much time deliberating over this policy, and we believe this to be the necessary course of action for the following reasons:
    1.  We feel the need to protect our campers from those who may use their phones to access material that may be objectionable.
    2.  Part of the goal of camp is to get away from the world to focus on God and building relationships with others.  Cell phones make it extremely difficult to build that atmosphere when campers are still "plugged in" to their everyday world.
    3.  Cell phones have become a distraction with campers' attention being focused on those instead of scheduled activities.
    4.  Campers could use and have used cell phones in ways that have put themselves or others in jeopardy. 
    5.  Sending a child to a safe environment, such as a week of camp, may be a good to way to begin to encourage a healthy independence that will be eventually necessary.
    6.  Parents can contact the camp director at any time with a calls or text messages if there is a need/desire to check in with their child.  The Director's Cell Phone number will be made available to parents during Final Registration.

    7. We will use the BAND app to post daily updates and pictures from each Camp session. Please download the BAND app to your phone before Final Registration, at which time you will receive a code to join the individual BAND for your camper's week.

    Thank you so much for your cooperation in helping us to create a spiritually encouraging and safe environment for you and your child.
    Arrival and Departure Times
  • Campers should arrive between 3:30 pm -- 5:00 pm on the Sunday of their session and report to the front of the Mess Hall. Those arriving earlier may form a line at the porch doors.

    Campers should be picked up on the Saturday of their session between 10:00 am -- 11:30 am. Please honor these times, because there is a significant amount of work involved in closing the camp site at the end of each session, and especially at the end of Junior Week.
    Camp Canteen
  • Each camper should deposit spending money into a canteen account.  (No money is to be kept in the cabins or carried by a camper.)  The canteen account will be used by the camper for purchasing snacks, drinks, t-shirts, craft materials, etc.; and all unspent money will be refunded at the end of the week.  On average, $10-$15 is an adequate amount for snacks and drinks; however, more spending money might be needed if the camper wishes to purchase t-shirts, spend a lot of time in the craft hall, etc.
    How to Send Mail to Campers
  • Campers love to receive mail! Family and friends are welcome to send letters to campers.  Please allow four or five days for delivery, and please address all mail to the camper in care of this address:           

    Camp Concern – Campsite #2
    Raccoon Creek State Park
    3000 State Route 18
    Hookstown, PA  15050

    Contacting Campers in Emergencies
  • In the event of an emergency, please call the Camp Dirctor cell phone, the number for which will be made available during Final Registration. If he isn't answering, please call the kitchen at 724-899-2357.
    Visiting Camp
  • Camp Concern strives to create an environment that is free from distractions and disruptions. As part of our Camper Wellness and Safety Plan and our Child Protection Plan, we want to minimize the number of people entering and exiting the campsite. Please do not plan on visiting Camp Concern during the sessions. Thank you for helping us keep our campers safe and healthy!
    What to Pack
  • Each camper will need the following items:  Bible, notebook, pen or pencil, bedding (pillow with pillowcase, sheets, two blankets or a sleeping bag), towels, toiletries, appropriate clothing and shoes, and a flashlight.

    A fan is strongly recommended, especially if high temperatures are forecast.   

    The following items are also recommended:  insect repellent, sunscreen, alarm clock, extension cord, robe, shower shoes, floor mat, envelopes, and stamps.  You might want to ask experienced campers for other suggestions.  Campers of all sessions are also encouraged to bring a simple camper chair that is easy to carry. Please do not bring chairs with footrests and other extravagances, and make sure to clearly mark the camper’s full name on his or her chair. 

    You may bring personal items such as a camera (but not a camera phone), athletic equipment, musical instruments, items you might need for the talent show, etc.; however, you must accept responsibility for their safekeeping.

    Please DO NOT bring a cell phone; cell phones are prohibited. Each week of Camp Concern is “Cell Phone Free” for campers. More information about the “Cell Phone Free Week” will be sent to parents in a mailing.
    Camp Location
  • Camp Concern is located in Group Campsite #2 of Raccoon Creek State Park. To map GPS directions, the Park's address is 3000 State Route 18
    Hookstown, PA 15050-1605.
     Proceed to the park office, which is located on PA Route 18.  (For those traveling north on Route 18, the park office will be on the left.)  Turn onto the road that passes the park office.  Travel a little over one mile, and enter Campsite #2.  Proceed straight ahead until you come to the Mess Hall, which is the first large building on the left.

    For Final Registration, park at the Mess Hall and proceed to the porch.
    Daily Schedule
  • The following is a general order of events for each of the sessions. Each week's schedule will vary some, but this is a general peek into an average day at Camp Concern:

    Rise and Shine
    Flag Raising
    Bible Class/Discussion Groups/Village Devotionals/Bible Activities
    Cabin Time
    Group Recreation
    Individual Recreation/Craft Hall/Free Time
    Cabin Time
    Flag Lowering
    Free Time
    Bible Bowl
    Back to Villages
    Lights Out